Welcome to WLS
Welcome to the Whitehead Light Station... offering programs for adults at an historic lighthouse in the heart of the Maine coast.
It was Thomas Jefferson’s signature that authorized the construction of a
small dwelling and a stone lighthouse in 1803 on Whitehead Island,
which lies at the mouth of Penobscot Bay. Ever since, the
Whitehead Light Station has provided a beacon to mariners making their
way up and down the Maine Coast. In 1982 Whitehead Light
Station was automated and, while the lighthouse continued to operate,
the dwellings and outbuildings were shuttered and abandoned. In
1996, through the Maine Lights Program, Pine Island Camp became owner
of the Whitehead Light Station and began renovations. The
restoration process was completed in 2008 and the result is a facility
that is remote but comfortable with a private bath in each room,
electricity, and comfortable common areas, including a library.
the Light Station continues to provide a beacon to mariners from its
granite lighthouse, and it has a new mission: to provide
programming for adults that will give them the opportunity to
experience life at a historic Maine island light station, to step out
of the busy world of the mainland, and to gain knowledge of specific
subjects, the Maine coast, and themselves.
The Programs
Adult Enrichment Programs:
Adults will have the opportunity to enroll in three- to five-day
programs that focus on a variety of subjects and activities taught by
an instructor. In addition to instruction, discussion, and
lectures where appropriate, we will provide transportation to and from
the island, all meals (sample menu), and local excursions in the Whitehead Light Station
boat. Although most rooms will be
double occupancy, single rooms will also be available for an extra
Facility Rental:
The entire facility is available to rent for up to seven days and six
nights. The rental will include seven bedrooms, each with its own
bathroom, the use of common areas and the kitchen, transportation to
and from the island, and the use of the Whitehead Light Station boat,
piloted by the captain, as needed for trips ashore and to explore the
neighboring islands. Participants in the rental will set their
own schedule and have the run of the 11-acre site, which includes
spruce woods and the unique rocky shoreline.